David Leis
Practical Holiness: Living an Integrated Life
Catholicism has been counter cultural since its very beginning. Just look at what they did to the Founder and most of His first Twelve Followers! In the past two millennia, the Church has experienced an ebb and flow, in some centuries enjoying a golden age. St. John Paul in his speech to the Eucharistic Congress in Philadelphia in 1976 called this era "the final confrontation”. Bishop Olmsted issued his much-discussed exhortation to Catholic men, “Into the Breach” in September 2015. Have we responded? Do we know how to respond? What can you and I do to bring about another "Golden Age" for the Church and for society?
DAVID LEIS leads Avantt Partners, a firm focused on wealth creation through business value acceleration strategies for privately held middle market companies. Prior to his 27 year consulting career, David worked in private equity, and before that as an executive at a number of Fortune 500 firms including Harris, GE and RCA. He is also author of the book “Succeed Wildly In College” which teaches Catholic principles in secular language to college students (and company CEO’s). David is a graduate of the United States Military Academy at West Point, and holds a Master from the University of Southern California. He has served on boards of non-profit organizations and companies and also served on former Congressman and Corning CEO Amory Houghton’s Service Academy Selection Committee.
WHEN: Thursday, MAY 24, 2018 7:30AM - 8:50AM
WHERE: One Post Office Square, Second Floor
COST: $10. Continental Breakfast included.