Globalization: A Foot Soldier’s View
Michael Roche
“Globalization” is eagerly embraced by those seeking new markets, greeted with much disdain by those hoping to preserve a US manufacturing base, and attracts both acclaim and criticism within both major political parties. But more importantly, globalization promises far-reaching change to society as a whole.
The trend towards globalization will transform cultures, change lifestyles, and even impact the manner in which we think, communicate and view the world.
Please join us for the Leadership Forum’s first session of 2008 as we welcome international business executive Michael Roche. Michael will offer his thoughts on the benefits and detractions of globalization as well as a glimpse into the Church’s perspective.
In his professional work, Mike has confronted these complex questions and will offer his thoughts on how a man of faith should assess such trends, and how you might prepare the next generation (your own children) to march confidently in these exciting times.
About the Speaker
Michael Roche is a director of ISBAN, the wholly-owned IT subsidiary of Grupo Santander, the seventh largest bank in the world (as measured by profit). Prior to coming to the US on assignment he was General Manager of ISBAN UK and responsible for around 700 staff. Previously Michael has worked in a variety of consulting & sales roles in IT multinationals including IBM and Texas Instruments, after an initial career in civil engineering.
Michael Roche received his B.Sc. & M.Sc. from Imperial College (University of London), his MBA from London Business School. He is a chartered engineer with both the Institute of Civil Engineers and the Institute of Structural Engineers in London.
When: Wednesday, March 12, 2008, 7:30 - 8:45 AM
Where: Offices of Merrill Lynch, 125 High Street